Now that's what I call a pack of dogs! I think there are 7 resting there enjoying their siesta. They're napping in front of a restaurant. The sign says: Leo's Bar and Dining Room. Then it tells you that they serve: sandwiches, milanesas (breaded beef or chicken or veal that's fried - very traditional and tasty), chicken, hot dogs (and you thought a pancho was something you'd wear...), and finally food. And as you can see, they also serve Cokes. During siesta time, the restaurants are usually closed and the dogs took full advantage of it.
There are 2 things that are done daily - getting and eating your bread and sweeping up the dust. We always refer them as the "pan de cada dia" (daily bread) and "el polvo todos los dias" (daily dust/dirt). Does it amaze you as much as it does us that this much travels in through the windows and doors each day?!! Never fails to amaze us how much we're able to accumulate.
So what is the basket to the left of the Gold Gym sign? Looks very interesting. Is it where they collect their daily mail?