Tuesday, March 29, 2016

 We had lunch with Dante and Viviana and her daughter Brenda and Nahuel. Delicious!!

Wilson (Wilsito) Castillo leaves this week for his mission. He'll start in the Santiago West Mission then once his visa arrives will serve in the Utah Provo Mission, Spanish speaking. He'll do great!

                 Alejandra, Wilsito's mother, is wonderful. They were recently sealed in the temple.

                                   All these darling girls are in their branch in Pozo Almonte.

The branch president, President Martinez, with his daughter, a blind sister, his wife Marian in pink, and Yubiza next to Wilsito.

More pictures of unique things in this region of Chile

We went back to the beach/ocean south of Iquique a few weeks ago to spend more time at the ocean.

Victor and Taciani stayed down at the beach all summer. Victor got tired of people leaving used diapers and cigarette butts so he put up this sign. It says: cigarette butts and diapers are also trash. In your house, where do you leave them? After that he said no one left their trash around.

                                      They stayed this close to the ocean - so magnificent!!

                        I love the rocky parts of the ocean and all the creatures that exist there!

As we drove further south we came upon another golf course. 

Our branch president, President Efrain Quispe, gave us a pen from his company. See that little hole at the top? It has a seed in it! So when we're through using the pen, we're to plant the pen and grow something. We'll have to do that when we return!

Last week we traveled north to Arica, 185 miles north of Alto Hospicio. We stopped to see this geoglyph outside the city. Due to their very dry climate, they last for centuries.

This meal is called pischanga. It has french fries on the bottom then is covered with hot dogs, chicken, veggies including an avocado. We skipped the beef (too tough) and the fried egg wasn't on top this time. Doug wanted to go again so he could get a picture of it. The little white spoons have various sauces you can add to it. The white ones are a mayonnaise base, the green is chimicurri (Argentine), and the red is tomato based. This sandwicheria is owned by Ramon and Isolina of the La Pampa Branch and we go there from time to time. Normally we just get a small chicken sandwich (kid's size).